mikaela123's items

Neomail pantheer pantheer's lookup

Items mikaela123 owns

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0. Welcome! ~updated December~

Feel free to neomail me @ pantheer with offers. Prefer to trade for wishlist items but I'm also happy to browse your lists and I'm normally always interested in custom :) please nm again if I don't respond ~ sometimes I get distracted and forget to reply!

non-wearables UFT

faerie vandagyre token

plushie Wocky token

sponge lupe token

Usuki Doll Mystery Capsule x 1

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0a. Current closet VHTPW

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1. Highlights

Generally will want to trade these for wishes but cant hurt to ask otherwise :)

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2. Regular UFT

always interested in custom ~ happy to browse TL's ~ currently seeking BFGBCS + GBCS ~ always interested in cookies

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3. 2:1

  • No buyables *

2:1 GBCs :)

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Items mikaela123 wants

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3. Low priority

probably wont trade highlights for these !

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4. v low prio...i just think theyre pretty

probably wont trade highlights for these !

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