catz1's items

Neomail catz1 catz1's lookup

Items catz1 owns

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*Regular UFT

Neomails always welcome; however, I'm typically not interested in GBCs (Black Friday or otherwise), custom, or non-wishlist items for items on this list. Thank you for understanding!

Numbers indicate quantity UFT!

I sometimes take up to 48 hours to respond to any NMs due to a busy lifestyle - my apologies in advance! If you need a reply and haven't heard back from me 48 hours, feel free to mail me again.

This list is empty.

~ 2:1 UFT ~

2 items for 1 GBC nonsense

This list is empty.


Still UFT for the right wishes! I am not interested in GBCs or custom for this list.

77 = Trade pending.

This list is empty.

Items catz1 wants

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1. High Priority Wishes

I have plans for these items!

77 = Trade pending.

This list is empty.

2. New or re-release items I'm looking for

Let me know what you want for these items - if it's another cap item, I might be able to swap (I have lots hidden away).

77 = Trade pending.

This list is empty.

3. Kinda Casual Wishes

5. One Day