fairytail's items

Neomail knightwriter2010 knightwriter2010's lookup

Items fairytail owns

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0. Please Read

Timezone: +2 NST
{ Please keep this in mind when mailing me! }

For mailed offers: I'm usually online daily and do my best to reply to you quickly, but depending how busy I am I might not see your message until the next day. Free to mail again if you don't get a reply in 24 hours!

Value note: Items I value different from /~owls are marked "99" with my value following the 99. For example, 993 means I value the item at 3.

Thanks! I hope we can work out a trade! :)

Quick links:
UFT | UFT - Sides | 2:1-4:1 Sale | HTPW | Wishlist

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1. UFT

Caps/custom available:
GBCs: 1 | BF GBCs: 2 | DSSS: 0 | Custom: 0

Winter Faerie Mystery Capsule
Retired Blooming Spring Mystery Capsule

Nostalgic tokens:

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2. UFT - Sides

These accounts may be boxless. Always open to gbc trades.
Numbers indicate the account the item is on. (For my reference only.)

This list is empty.


Closet items I may be willing to part with.
I do trade from this list, so don't be afraid to ask!

This list is empty.

4. 2:1 / 4:1 Sale

These are uft 2:1 for gbcs, 4:1 for black friday gbcs, or uft at their normal value for my wl

Status: [ ON | OFF ]
Note: I'm on mobile a lot, so if the sale is OFF, it's just because it's too much to deal with from my phone. The items are still uft, but I may take longer to reply to a 2:1-4:1 request.

This list is empty.

Items fairytail wants

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