OzarksUFT's items

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Items OzarksUFT owns

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2) 2 for 1 gbc TL is at JN also and my side account TL link

All my 2:1 items are listed here also if you prefer JN; https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/ozark/14282/

Also here is my side account TL- might not be super up to date; http://impress.openneo.net/user/31470-ambuscader/closet

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A) 2 for 1 GBC - GBC is fine but Dyepot is even better!! 1:1 Dyepot

Prefer dyeworks hue brew potion! 2 items for 1 gbc ~ this list only OR 1 for 1 Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion

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B) 1 GBC

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C) 2 GBC

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