mandakitty12's items

Neomail mandakitty12 mandakitty12's lookup

Items mandakitty12 owns

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1. All the pretties

I am only seeking wishlist items at this time

NOTE: If you mail me about an item and aren't really interested in trading, or are going to ghost me after the initial mail please don't. It's frustrating and quite rude. If I am at work I can't respond, but I will respond to mail regarding my wishlist items when I am home.


Wewoo Sugar negg

Spring Negg Wreath (calicokatt34)
Candy Corn Cupcake
Looking for high priority wishlist items, I may be open to other offers, but I'm not looking for customs or gbc. Please don't be offended if I say no thank you.

This list is empty.

2. The regular stuff

This list is empty.

3. Grams and Crackers

Altador Cup Enthusiast Gram 7 (no l Love is Undead Sweetheart Gram 6 Teddy Bear Sweetheart Gram 7 (no le) King of the Maraquan Sea Gram 2 (no le) Queen of the Maraquan Sea Gram 2 (both are le) Altador Cup Naturally Fanrific Gram 11 (3 le) Date Night Sweetheart Gram 2 (no le) Unique Species Green Gram 11 (2 le)

This list is empty.

4. calicokatt33

Esta lista está vazia.

7. dementeddoomkitten

Esta lista está vazia.

Items mandakitty12 wants

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Wishlist - High Priority

This list is empty.

Wishlist Very low - casually seeking these items

Items marked with a 3 mean I have a pending trade.

Esta lista está vazia.