kaenguyen17's items

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Items kaenguyen17 owns

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* Announcement *


All the way at the bottom of the page are wishlist(s) for a specific custom I have in mind ♡

please feel free to neomail my account kaenguyen

and i will try my very best to get back to you as soon as possible

they will be marked as

☑ - have ☐ - don't have

88 = pending/may have a trade with it

55 = gram items

- - - - - always seeking customs - - - - -

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* Dyework Lending *

This section is only for loaning, not to have! please make sure to have enough boxes to send it directly back..

My UN is kaenguyen~ Feel free to neomail me! 2:1 for GBCs or 1:1 for dyework pots

current box count: Ø9

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* UFT 2:1/3:1 GBC list *


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* UFT Dyeworks *


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* Up for Trade *


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Items kaenguyen17 wants

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For a friend

NC wishlist

♡ things i would love to have one day ♡


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Wishlist for Blumingful



☑Baby Valentine Wings ☑Dyeworks Red: Baby Spring Jumper ☑Baby Bun with Heart Headband ☑Valentine Baby Dummy ☑Baby Valentine Bow and Arrow ☑Baby Valentine Blankie ☑Violet Baby Sundress ☑Dyeworks Purple: Rainbow Petal Shower ☑Baby Valentine Heart Shoes ☑Garden Tea Party Background ☑Cloud Garland

☐Cupid Garland

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Wishlist for Fleurmar


☑Bubbles in the Lake ☑MME6-S2: A Bunch of Popping Bubbles ☑MME6-S6: Trapped in a Bubble Foreground ☑Maraquan Fin Wings ☑ Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Silver Markings ☑Maraquan Jewelled Trident Handheld ☑Dyeworks Purple: Maraquan Summer Cloak ☑Cave & Waterfall Background ☑ Maraquan Wig with Negg Accessory

☐ Large Cherry Blossom Tree

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Wishlist for Kindrir



☑Dyeworks Purple: Golden Sea Star Wig ☑Fireworks Shower ☑MME20-S4a: Winter Princess Cape ☑Ocean Earrings ☑Dyeworks Pink: Armin Collectors Contacts ☑Sparkling Faerie Wings ☑Magical Lotus Stream Background

☐Mystical Rosette Dress - OR - ☐Flowing Floral Dress

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Wishlist for Mircobyte



☑Rainbow Butterfly Shower ☑Baby Overstuffed Warf Plushie ☑Swinging on a Cloud ☑Gathering in the Glade Background ☑Trapped in a Jar

☐Waterfall Fireworks Effect

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Wishlist for my future UC Plushie Zafara



☑Musical Bar Garland ☑MiniMME9-S1: Pretty Spring Umbrella ☑Premium Collectible: Overgrown Tracks Background ☑Meep Garden Foreground ☑Pastel Rose Petal Shower

☑Spellseeker Fireworks


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Wishlist for my Snoem



☑Toy Scythe of Dread ☑Deathly Union Wig ☑Fang-Tastic Makeup ☑Dark Mystical Cape ☑Black Alabriss Wings ☑Woodland Archer Belt ☑Spyder Web Dress ☑Stormy Ombre Contacts ☑Skeleton Moon Background

☐Troubled Water Bridge

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