lucylu112's items

Neomail lucylu112 lucylu112's lookup

Items lucylu112 owns

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Backgrounds UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

Clothes & Accessories UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

Dyeworks UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

Foregrounds & Garlands UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

Frames, Filters & Effects UFT

Handhelds UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.


Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

My Dyeworks Closet

A place for me to keep track of my dyeworks items.

This list is empty.

My General Closet

This section is for things in use or things in my closet I plan to use.
You can make offers on things here but I will be extremely picky and may not part with them.
Please note that I also have a hidden closet in case you’re seeking something specific and have my wishes.

This list is empty.

My Spooky Closet

A place for me to keep track of my spooky items.

This list is empty.

Odds & Ends UFT

Numbers represent how many I have.
Mailing for trades is ENCOURAGED.
I am online daily and will always respond.

This list is empty.

Items lucylu112 wants

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1. Highest Priority

For current customs

This list is empty.

5. Need Spares