DekSy's items

Neomail salistina salistina's lookup

Items DekSy owns

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                                                                                 UPDATE 29/06/2024

Sorry everyone I am close to my due date and am just going to stop trading for a little while, I don't want you to feel ignored and I have been struggling to keep up with neomails so I am just going to stop for the time being.

I have plenty of boxes to trade, also open to style token offers and cookies.

                                                    Closet is NUFT,  if something from closet is also in the UFT list it is because I am trading it or have a spare.

I prefer you send your TL to work something out as things I used to want in priority aren't what I currently desire but I am trying to update it also.

Sorry if I don't get back to your neomails, sometimes cannot respond for a few days or it gets lost.

I am collecting everything Ona they are just too cute.

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Backgrounds UFT

I will try to catergorise my uft list into smaller sections like this in my spare time (which I don't get a lot of)

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Dolls, Toys, Collectables

Just things seldom used in customisations and more for collectors :)

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Recovered Inventory Items

My NC items have been recovered! The issue was resolved with a ticket, might have had something to do with the fact I used to have 5x preset customisations for every neopet. I'm not sure why they disappeared but Alice is a legend!

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Items DekSy wants

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Common Items - Whites & Greens

I use standard item tiers to discern items based on availability. These are the easiest to come by.