lightsfalling's items

Neomail lightsfalling lightsfalling's lookup

Items lightsfalling owns

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1.0) Quick Intro | NM open

Last Updated: APRIL 2023

Click to Wishlist

Click to Discounted List

Number key 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 = For my reference

All items listed here are UFT. Not for trade items (permanent closet items and gifts) are stored in a separate, private list.

I do NOT offer additional discounts for BF gbcs versus regular gbcs. Thank you for understanding.

Lights falling:

This list is empty.

1.2) Highlights UFT - Lower Value

Accepting WL and custom

This list is empty.

2.0) Dyeworks

Accepting WL and custom

This list is empty.

4) Regular Tradelist

Accepting WL and custom

This list is empty.

6.1) Discounted UFT 3:2 (or 1:1)

Three items for 2 gbc or 2 cookies (1 upcycle + 1 archive) or comparable WL item. Alternatively, can do 1:1 (select one item for one gbc) for this list. Can substitute with items from discounted 2:1 list

This list is empty.

6.2) Discounted UFT 2:1

2 items for one gbc or upcycle cookie

Accepting WL/custom

This list is empty.

7) Reserved

Pending trade

This list is empty.

Items lightsfalling wants

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Casual Wishlist

2:1 = seeking an item swap from my 2:1 list

Non-wearable WL items -GBCs (including Silvery Winter Gift Box Mystery Capsule) -Archive cookies -Upcycle Cookies
Jump back to Tradelist

Jump back to Discounted List

This list is empty.

Swap 2:1 List

Looking to swap items from my 2:1 list for these items. Not offering other lists.

This list is empty.