kutie_piii's items

Neomail kutie_piii kutie_piii's lookup

Items kutie_piii owns

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00 | Welcome! | 00

Hi and welcome to my lists, I'm Kaely ^^

I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from one of my other lists.

If you don't have anything from my High Priority wishlist, please feel free to still mail me!

Please include your TL when mailing. I have hidden Medium and Low Priority lists that I'm currently re-evaluating and I am happy to look through your trading list. I may also be open to customs so please don't hesitate to reach out c:

Thank you!

For non-wearables, please see the list below:

This list is empty.

01. Currently Trading

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.


I typically only trade items from my 01. Currently Trading section so please be aware of that before you mail me about something from this list. c:

This list is empty.

Items kutie_piii wants

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