I finally got around to redoing my trade list. Feel free to message me. Currently, I'm only looking to trade for items on my wishlist, so not currently interested in dye pots, gbcs, cookies, or customs.
I'm completely overloaded with trade requests at the moment! I'm so sorry if I haven't gotten back to you yet! I'm only online for a short time each day and haven't had much free time even on the weekends lately. I'm trying to get caught up. You can still message me if you want to trade, but please understand I'm getting more requests than I can keep up with at the moment and I may not be able to get back to you.
If you end up finding a trade somewhere else while waiting to hear back from me, then no worries and no hard feelings! :)
I don't need any of these. Happy to trade.
Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x9
Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag
Precious Rose Retired Mystery Capsule 2024
Styling Studio Supplies x12
Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies x17
Victorian Winter Ball Mystery Capsule x7
Shrieking Call Halloween Gram x2
Pumpkin Spice & Spells Mystery Capsule x10
Everything Nice Fall Retired Mystery Capsule x9
16th Wonderland Birthday Cake
Springtime Springabee Mystery Capsule x4
Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram
Halloween Haul Gram x3
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Creepy Mutant Gram x11
Ethereal Mutant Gram x12
15th Unhappy Birthday Cake
Colourful Hearts Valentine Goodie Bag
Holly Holiday Cracker Gram
New Year 2017 Celebration Mystery Capsule
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x3
Tuffala Love Sweetheart Gram x7
NC Archives Fortune Cookie 2
NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie 7
Lab Ray Fortune Cookie 8
Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie 14
Boxes on hand: 4
Christmas Weewoo Chimney Gift Box
Haunted Halloween Rock Giftbox
For the most part there aren't any items I'm desperate for, but these are definitely the items I'd love to have first if you happen to have them. (They're probably for my gallery.)
There's nothing I'm desperate for. This is just a list of stuff I've seen around and think looks cool and don't have yet. Happy to trade for any of it.
I want these
Just a reference for myself so I can stop forgetting what these items are called.
If you're looking to sell any of these, feel free to reach out. (especially if you're selling Aurrick's clothes, Fancy Helmet, or Ancient Dacardite Necklace)