catluver456's items

Neomail catluver456 catluver456's lookup

Items catluver456 owns

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A TL/WL Intro

Last update: 03/12/2025

Back from my hiatus!

Hello~ here is my NC Tradelist. Please read the following before neomailing me!

The items I have in the UFT categories I will look at fair cap offers/wishes for. I don't particularly need GBCs at the moment. I especially LOVE retired caps & dyeworks retired caps.

Otherwise, the HTPW & highlights I'm usually a little pickier about but feel free to offer. Closet items are almost never UFT but I will offer them if I feel like it's time for a change!

My main acct on neo is the same as my UN on here, catluver456 so send me a neomail (link below) if you wanna trade.

Sometimes my inbox is wonky or I forgot to reply. If you sent me a neomail and I didn't respond the first time, please send it again!

Please don't send me long long lists of items! It gets too confusing over neomail and I would prefer not to have to look up tens of items to trade. If I have multiple of your wishes you can just send your TL/WL for me to look at. Thank you for understanding!

*Numbers indicate quantity not value. *

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Regular Trade List

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Items that are currently pending a trade. Sometimes I don't hear back from people though so feel free to make an offer and I can let you know the status!

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Items catluver456 wants

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zGallery Wishlist

Not as much of a priority for me currently. Most likely will not trade my HTPW/highlights for these items, sorry!

Items are for my gallery. Looking for NP + NC items that are space, star, cosmic, etc. themed.

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