nymerosmartell's items

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Items nymerosmartell owns

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00: about this tl

Hi! I’m Bia.

Nothing HTPW is visible. If it's visible, it's UFT!

♡ I have a few hidden lists — feel free to mail me what you're looking for if you have any of my wishes!

♡ I only make trading boards or mail inquiries from my main, nymerosmartell.

♡ Mail is always open, but response time might be delayed due to work and school.

I do prefer to trade for wishes, but if you don't have any of my wishes or if I don't have a visible WL at the moment, I'm happy to trade for BF/GBCs, deluxe/regular training cookies, or quest cookies!

Click here to jump directly to my wishes!

last updated 3rd january 2025

Esta lista está vazia.

00a: non-wearables uft

Nonwearables Available:

20x 2024 BFGBCs
1x Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies
3x Prismatic Pine: Christmas Ixi

11x Mythical Wherfy Winter Mystery Capsule
4x Expressions II Mystery Capsule

4x Creepy Mutant Gram
1x Ethereal Mutant Gram
2x Sleepless Spyder Mutant Gram
1x Daunting Doll Mutant Gram
1x Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram
12x Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram
12x Unique Holiday Gram (+ 1 LE)
11x Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram (+1 LE)

1x Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag


17th january 2025

Esta lista está vazia.

01a: backgrounds

Esta lista está vazia.

01a.1: background items

Esta lista está vazia.

01b: clothes

Esta lista está vazia.

01b.1: belts

01c: dyeworks

Esta lista está vazia.

01d: mme/minimme

Esta lista está vazia.

01e: foregrounds, lower foregrounds, higher foregrounds

Esta lista está vazia.

01f: gloves, right handhelds, left handhelds

Esta lista está vazia.