nspolaris's items

Neomail vanillapudding24 vanillapudding24's lookup

Items nspolaris owns

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3) Regular TL

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4) Sale list - 3:1 BFGBC or 2:1 GBC

Always trading from this list, feel free to mail about it!

Just lmk where you want your items and all BF/GBC will always go to my main at vanillapudding24

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6) Nicer items / rotating closet

My pets wear these regularly. Set to public and not UFT for my casual WL. I value lots of these higher than owls and not at 1-2 bc of this!

UFT if I say so on a board or discord pinned message.

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Items nspolaris wants

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A. High Priority / Actively Seeking

Also seeking Nostalgic Blue Poogle and Limited Edition Strawberry Poogle Key Quest Token!!

Mermaid Dreams Gift Box Mystery Capsule also a high priority as I chase the LE box

Any items with 9s just mean I know they're HTF/HTPW

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E. Low Prio Ocean Items (Gallery)

Seeking these GBC to try for the LE box:
Mermaid Dreams Gift Box Mystery Capsule (highest priority)
Ocean Waves Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Sea Shell Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Sea Glass Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Sunset Summer Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Pirates Chest Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Also seeking one Deep Maraquan Sea Retired Mystery Capsule

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