Hi! My name is Annie. I've been playing neopets for over 20 years.
I am ALWAYS SEEKING BFGBCs & Upcycle Cookies because I rarely buy NC anymore and prefer to trade for things.
-The top Sections (A) are only for wishes as stated
-Sections B-F I often casually trade from and are fair game for any trades including custom
-I have a Tradeable Closet which is always public, a HTPW Closet which is usually public, and I also have a Hidden Closet which is usually private
88 = HTPW
77 = Pending Trade
These are only for High Priority Wishes or above
88 = I will be a little pickier with, sorry.
Taking offers for Wishes only
Accepting BFGBCs & Custom for these
Accepting BFGBCs & Custom for these
Accepting BFGBCs & Custom for these
Accepting BFGBCs & Custom for these
Accepting BFGBCs & Custom for these
2:1 Upcycle Cookie or Custom if I have enough boxes
All this stuff here will be upcycled
So I can do 4:1 BFGBC & 2:1 regular GBC
(I may or may not have boxes on sides)
( #s here are for my own reference, just ignore )
Items from my closet/gallery that I either don't use or are easy to replace
This list is only listed as public, not for trading.
more htpw than my regular uft obviously
(the higher the priority the greater the chances I'll accept trades here)
These are closet items that I either use or I'm having trouble letting go of, but that I will trade for the right wishes.
This list is only listed as public, not for trading.
For this section I will only take offers for items HIGH PRIORITY AND ABOVE
Listed as public, not trading.
These items are gifts from the most amazing people and will NEVER BE UFT!
NM me to offer
I would really like to have these right now!
Most of these aren't important to get right away but I'd really like to have them!
I WANT these, but I don't NEED these
I am not actively seeking these but please feel free to offer them!
The worst I will do is say no!
Some of these I use a lot and would like to have spares
PSA: I get neomails all the time asking about trading my items here,
just because I am seeking a spare doesn't mean mine is UFT!! O.O
I will only trade for these if they are TOGETHER and I have boxes.
These are items that are currently buyable in the NC Mall
NOT offering from Highlights for these
If you are selling these, please let me know how much you are seeking for them.