mmelcg's items

Neomail umbreon133 umbreon133's lookup

Items mmelcg owns

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. W e l c o m e .

* I usually have GBC/BFGBC up for trade.
* Unless I specifically state otherwise on a board, I am not seeking GBCs for my items.

Please feel free to mail!

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Main | Baby

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Main | Dyeworks

Generally would prefer to trade for other dyeworks!
99 indicates harder to part with within this list

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Main | Highlights

These are not necessarily HTPW, but they are HTF or popular items. I would generally prefer to trade these for HTF or higher-valued wishes but just ask!
99 indicates harder to part with within this list

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Main | Regular Tradelist

I've done my best to remove any buyable items, but might have missed some - sorry!
I generally would prefer to trade HTF items for priority or HTF/higher-valued wishes

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Main | V/HTPW or Tradeable Closet

These items may be harder to part with but still uft for certain priority wishes. Generally seeking HTF/high-valued wishes for my HTF items.

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Main | Value Check & New

Newly released items- I may be hesitant to trade these if values are not yet stabilized!
Other items are ones I am not sure on values.

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Main | Various Buyables

There are many, many, many, buyable items stashed away in my SDB. For certain items I am happy to offer a custom (if available) - just ask!

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Main | Various Non-wearables & Grams

Side | m


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Side | r

Items mmelcg wants

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01. Actively seeking

Highest priority wishlist. Items I am actively seeking / seeking from my board and are most likely to trade for.
Also offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post).

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02. High priority

Items I am actively seeking or have specific customizations in mind for!
Not offering from hidden closet for these unless specified on my board.
Might be offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post) for certain items ONLY.

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03. Mid-Priority

Still seeking but lesser priority. Some of these are spares for my sides.
Might be offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post) for certain items ONLY.

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04. Spares

Will happily accept these as filler for larger trades that include my priority items.
Items I love and want multiples of or are for my side accounts!

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05. Casual

Not actively seeking. Usually not offering BF/GBC for these unless they are HTF or higher value.

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06. Maybe

Not sure if I want these. I generally like items listed here but don't have a specific customization in mind for them. Very low priority! Please don't be offended if I may turn down fair offers for these. Mostly seeking 1-2 cap value items in BGC sales.

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