Please feel free to mail!
jump to wishlist
Generally would prefer to trade for other dyeworks!
99 indicates harder to part with within this list
These are not necessarily HTPW, but they are HTF or popular items. I would generally prefer to trade these for HTF or higher-valued wishes but just ask!
99 indicates harder to part with within this list
These items may be harder to part with but still uft for certain priority wishes. Generally seeking HTF/high-valued wishes for my HTF items.
Newly released items- I may be hesitant to trade these if values are not yet stabilized!
Other items are ones I am not sure on values.
There are many, many, many, buyable items stashed away in my SDB. For certain items I am happy to offer a custom (if available) - just ask!
up for trade
Snowy Holiday Cracker Gram
Ruby Red Sweetheart Gram x3
Blue Perilous Catacomb Magical Scroll
Red Holiday Cracker Gram x10
Heart Broken Sweetheart Gram x2
Rose Sweetheart Gram x2
Terror Mountain Winter JubJub Power Bounce Token 10-pack
Haunted Candy Floss
uft from sides
Queen of Hearts Sweetheart Gram x2 (m)
11th Birthday Tropical Cupcake (m)
11th Birthday Constellation Cupcake (m)
11th Birthday Crystal Cupcake (m)
Highest priority wishlist. Items I am actively seeking / seeking from my board and are most likely to trade for.
Also offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post).
Items I am actively seeking or have specific customizations in mind for!
Not offering from hidden closet for these unless specified on my board.
Might be offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post) for certain items ONLY.
Still seeking but lesser priority. Some of these are spares for my sides.
Might be offering (BF)GBCs, and/or custom (if available- will be mentioned on board/post) for certain items ONLY.
Will happily accept these as filler for larger trades that include my priority items.
Items I love and want multiples of or are for my side accounts!
Not actively seeking. Usually not offering BF/GBC for these unless they are HTF or higher value.
Not sure if I want these. I generally like items listed here but don't have a specific customization in mind for them. Very low priority! Please don't be offended if I may turn down fair offers for these. Mostly seeking 1-2 cap value items in BGC sales.