mxchellerxe's items

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Items mxchellerxe owns

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- Welcome -

[ Last Updated July 2024 - New stuff added! ]

Hello- Thanks for looking! I am slowly working on downsizing my closet but I still have a good amount hidden for my Priority Wishes. My HTPW list(s) are currently hidden since I am only casually trading at this time

  • Trades - My lists should be accurate but I will always confirm I have the item(s) before agreeing to trade. I prefer trades for my Wishes over (BF) GBCs / Custom but I will happily accept anything that I'm actively seeking.
    If I haven't replied to your mail in 24 hours I probably missed it- feel free to reach out again.
  • Values - I mostly use /~Owls for wearable values but will sometimes have my own personal values depending on DTI ratios.
    Please Note: I value and trade Black Friday (BF) GBCs at ~1

  • Unwearables - My Unwearables are UFT for my wishes on Jellyneo / DTI and I mostly use /~Valisar as a baseline for values.
    - I’m mainly seeking my "Top Priorities" on my Jellyneo lists and very casually seeking non-priority items
  • Nostalgic (UC) Tokens - I don't have a great idea of what tokens are worth, but I generally value retired UC styles at 1 Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies (1,400 NC) and current styles at 1 Styling Studio Supplies (600 NC).
    - My Tokens are UFT for my Wishes on Jellyneo / DTI. Any tokens marked '999' are only UFT for my Priority Wishes.

    Box Count: 40+
    BF GBCs Available: Yes, but I will be picky
    Custom Available: Only for Priority Wishes

    Unwearables: Tradelist | Wishlist
    UC Tokens: Tradelist | Wishlist

  • This list is empty.


    I will never expect anyone to wait for my response to trade offers, but I appreciate replies if you've found another trade so that I can take items off hold.

    » If item(s) displayed here are also on my other lists it means I have multiple up for trade
    » I might not have time to update this list between responses but will always hold items for ~24-48 hours

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    Seeking: Priority Wishes / Regular Wishes | Possibly: Casual Wishes
    » I'm not currently accepting Custom / BF GBC for this list
    99 = will be a little picky

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    3. { GRAM ITEMS }

    Items still in grams that I'm a bit attached too. I personally value all retired grams at 2+ GBCs.

    Seeking: Priority Wishes / Regular Wishes
    99 = I will be a little picky
    LE = Limited Edition (item from the gram)

    Grams Available:
    - Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram x2
    - Altador Cup Fizzy Fan Gram x4 (3 with LE)
    - Berry Cute Chocolate Sweetheart Gram x1
    - Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram x5
    - Daunting Doll Mutant Gram x1 (1 with LE)
    - Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram x1
    - Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram x4
    - Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram x7
    - Shrieking Call Halloween Gram x4 (1 with LE)
    - Sleepless Spyder Mutant Gram x2

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    4. { HIGHLIGHTS }

    More popular items that are easy to part with for my wishes.

    Seeking: Priority Wishes / Regular Wishes | Possibly: Casual Wishes / Custom / BF GBC

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    Easy to part with items from the most recent Dyeworks release.

    Seeking: Wishes / Custom
    » I'm not seeking Dyepots / GBC for these at the moment, sorry!

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    Easy to part with items that I value at 3 or more GBCs.

    Seeking: Wishes / Custom / BF GBCs / Archive Cookies | Possibly: GBCs / Upcycle Cookies
    » I can discount Archive Wheel items on this list- feel free to ask!

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    6.1 { 2 GBCs }

    Easy to part with items that I value at 2 GBCs.

    Seeking: Wishes / ~400 NC Custom / GBCs / Archive Cookies / Upcycle Cookies
    » Possible 2 items for 3 GBCs or Cookies- feel free to ask!

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    6.3 { 1 GBC }

    Easy to part with items that I value at 1 GBC.

    Seeking: Any Wishes / ~200 NC Custom / GBC / Archive + Upcycle Cookie
    » I'm not interested in 2:1 BF GBC for this list- sorry!

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    Mainly Buyables- no quantities listed.

    » 3:1 BF GBC
    » 2:1 GBC / Archive Cookie / Upcycle Cookie
    » 1:1 Faerie Quest Cookie / Dyepot (If I'm not low on boxes)

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    Items mxchellerxe wants

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    Actively seeking these for current customs! Please feel free to ask about my Hidden Closet if you don't see any of your Wishes.

    Offering: All TLs / BF GBC / Custom
    33 = Pending Trade

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    No customs in mind, but I would love to add these to my closet!

    Offering: All TLs except HTPW (which is currently hidden) / BF GBCs | Possibly: Custom
    33 = Pending Trade

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    Casual wishes that are currently buyable in the mall that I value at ~1.

    Offering: Highlights / Regular TLs
    Number = Quantity I'm Seeking (only for this list)
    33 = Pending Trade

    Unwearable Buyable Wishes:
    - 17th Cyberpunk Birthday Wish Candle (150 NC)

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