chattahbug83's items

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Items chattahbug83 owns

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1. VHTPW closet items

these items are items I use ALOT and are generally not UFT for custom or BFGBCS.

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2. Highlights

some items here are hard to part with but I don't use them as much as I use my VHTPW items.. may be willing to part with a majority of these for custom/BFGBCs xD

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3. lowlights

higher valued items that are much easier to part with.. usually willing to trade for custom/BFGBCS

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All the rest :)

ALL of these items are UFT for BFGBCS/ custom/ dyepots /cookies etc.

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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items chattahbug83 wants

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1. wishlist

always looking for BFGBCS and D/SSS! Usually looking for cookies/caps/custom!

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