christie's items

Neomail mon310 mon310's lookup

Items christie owns

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1. Welcome


Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to browse my TL. Here are my items up for trade and wishlist for NC. If you're interested in setting up a trade, feel free to DM me on Neo at mon310.

-Find my nostalgic pets WL here:
-Find my non-wearable NC items UFT here:

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2. 2:1 GBC

easy and simple, pick two items here and send me a gift box capsule in return. ^^

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3. Up for Trade

I use Owls values for these items, however, there can be certain occasions where I value an item differently, which is rare.

Number = quantity not value.

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Items christie wants

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Low Priority Wishes

I do eventually want these items, however they currently do not have a planned outfit, or are really expensive cap-wise. BUT THEY ARE SOO PRETTY.

I may not always accept a reasonable trade for these items since I do not have a customization planned.

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