taleesha's items

Neomail Taleesha_Ann Taleesha_Ann's lookup

Items taleesha owns

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Hey All,
I'm Mika and pretty easy to trade with. Neomails are always welcome, and I reply even to say no thanks. If I don't reply, I didn't see it or accidentally deleted it. Feel free to NM again.
Please don't offer me items that aren't on my wish list. If it's not on my wish list, I don't want it.
I am human and sometimes make a mistake and forget to remove items I've traded and apologize in advance for that.
I don't make a habit of showing off items I don't intend to trade, so if you see it, it IS UFT.

I use OWLS and also go by the ratios, although I may not always agree with OWLS Values. Sometimes my values are a bit higher. We could always negotiate.
1. What you want
2. What you are offering
3. Where you want it sent


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These are the tokens I have available. (?) Means I'm a bit pickier and may decline a perfectly fair offer. Apologies in advance.
Prismatic Cyan Faerie - Aisha, Draik, Xweetok, Ixi
Maraquan - Kougra, Grundo, Ixi
Darigan - Hissi, Acara, Ixi
Robot - Aisha, Grundo, (Ixi?), (Acara?), Draik
Faerie - (Ixi?)
Mutant - Xweetok, Jetsam, Draik
Baby - Jetsam
Sponge - Grundo
Nostalgic Blue - Aisha, Ixi, Xweetok, Draik

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2:1 Treasure/Trash

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
2:1 for a GBC or Random Cap
4:1 for a BFGBC
1:1 Dye Pot, Lab Cookie

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Custom List

These are items that I'd like BF(GBCS) and/or customs for. (Dye Pots, Current caps, (D/SSS) ya know, mall stuff. There may be items in multiple listings as I have duplicates.
Wishes are okay too.

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Favorite Pretties

UFT for wishes.
Most of these I value higher than OWLS (I'm somewhat partial to what it says). NM me and we can chat about it. :-)
I'm pickier with this list. I prefer to trade for wishes but (bf)gbc, Caps, Dye Pots, (D)SSS can be used as filler
Apologies in advance if I turn down a fair trade. It's me, not you.

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I'd like wishes for these items but on certain ones, offers of BF(GBC)/custom can be made. NM me and we can chat about it.

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Makeup and Jewelery

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NP Wearables

For my reference so I won't keep buying them again :-/ LOL Also for inspiration for some that not all customs need to be NC. These are just a few that I really like.
This list is set to public. I am NOT selling any of these items.
NP Wants at the bottom of the page. Let me know how much you want for them.

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Wigs and Hair Accessories

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Items taleesha wants

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Expensive AF NP Dreams

There's still a smidgen of hope left....

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Medium Priority

OVER 1 Mil NP Wants

Shadow Kacheek

Actively seeking

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UNDER 1 Mil NP Wants

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