the_mausoleum's items

Neomail the_mausoleum the_mausoleum's lookup

Items the_mausoleum owns

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Everything listed here is potentially up for trade.
If no items are listed in my WL section, it means I have no specific wishes at the moment, but you can provide me with your TL if you wish to negotiate a trade.

*Note 1: I have some unwearable NC items UFT, which can be found on my JellyNeo TL, here:

*Note 2: I also have some Pet Style Tokens UFT, which can be found on my JellyNeo TL, here:

*Note 3: Some of my biggest wishes are found on my unwearable WL, found here:

***I may consider offers that include Styling Studio Supplies or Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies.

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*~ HTPW ~*

Looking for PUMPKIN GIFT BOX MYSTERY CAPSULE and HALLOWEEN GIFT BOX MYSTERY CAPSULE, as many as possible. to battle against the RNG demon for the LE boxes. My HTPW are not reserved exclusively for those, however, so feel free to propose other trade offers.

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1a. Clothes UFT

This list is empty.

1c. Hats & Wigs UFT

This list is empty.

2a. Expressions, Makeup & Contacts UFT

This list is empty.

2c. Misc. Accessories UFT

This list is empty.

2e. Wings UFT

This list is empty.

3a. Foregrounds/Garlands/Frames UFT

This list is empty.

3c. Backgrounds UFT

This list is empty.

4. Collector's Album Items

This list is empty.

Items the_mausoleum wants

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Wishlist (NP Wearables)

Seeking the following Neopoint wearables for my gallery.

Neomail me your price and we can work something out!

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