oshichi's items

Neomail oshichi oshichi's lookup

Items oshichi owns

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1.0 The Magna Carta


Hello fellow Neopian, and welcome to my NC trade list! :)
For items that I am trading, numbers indicate how many I have, not value.

Last Updated: DECEMBER 2023 - I am on intermittently and may not respond to messages. Please be advised that this list is likely out of date.

PLEASE NOTE I do not trade as frequently as I used to. I respect all personal values, however, please do not value your items on the higher end and mine on the lower. That will make me least interested in trading and will end any possible trade. Multiple factors are considered when trading.

[ =• Nonwearables UFT •= ]

Thanks so much for considering trading with me! Good luck trading and have a wonderful day!

As always, remember the other person behind the screen. It's important to remember that this is just a game. Be nice & just have fun!

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1.2 Dye Hard

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1.3 The Red Carpet

----- PLEASE READ -----

Stunningly rare, beautiful, unique or just downright popular items. These are my hardest to part with items and I may not trade them, even though I hold no attachments to them. I just think they are snazzy! If there are multiples of items, I may be more inclined but still reserved. I'm only parting with these for more expensive, popular or extremely rare items on my wish list.
Not accepting GBCs, cookies or any buyables/customs for these.

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2.0 Destination Unknown

Looking to travel somewhere new? Check out these hot spots!

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2.1 Sightseeing

Going on vacation but need something to bring with you? Bring one of these garlands, foregrounds or background items with you!

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2.2 A Cut Away

Does your pet need a new hair do? Snag one of these wigs for a new look!

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2.4 The Clothing Vault

Need something new? Pick out a fancy new outfit for that new look!

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2.7 Fashion Accessories

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3.0 In Your Possession

Add a snazzy item to go with that new look!

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3.3 Children's Place

Looking for baby items? Check out these adorable items for your little one!

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3.4 Unique Boutique

Do you have an exotic pet that has a special sense of style? Check here to see what you'll find!

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9.0 Side 1: Trade List

----- PLEASE READ -----

Items listed here are available for trade.
Only items marked 21 are available 2 for 1 GBC or item for item trades.

Box count: 17

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9.3 Side 3: Trade List

----- PLEASE READ -----

Items listed here are available for trade.
Only items marked 21 are available 2 for 1 GBC or item for item trades.

Box count: 15

This list is empty.

Items oshichi wants

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1.0 The Deets


Last Updated: JULY 2022

1.1 First Class - [Finishing Touches] - Priority
1.2 Economy - [General Interests] - Hidden
1.3 Salvage - [Replacements] - Low Priority
1.4 Second Hand - [Only Seeking in 2:1] - Hidden
2.1 Side 1: Vaskui Wishlist - [Casual Trades]
2.2 Side 2: Valanlia Wishlist - [Casual Trades]
2.3 Side 3: Velamisa Wishlist - [Casual Trades]
2.4 Side 4: Velasendra Wishlist - [Casual Trades]
2.5 Royalty - [HTF/Pop/Expensive]
3.0 Gallery: #RooIsland - [Casual Trades]
3.1 Gallery: Make Up Artist - [Casual Trades]
3.2 The Neopies - [Neopoint Wishes]

Please make sure to read my wish list categories before offering. For items on my wish list, numbers indicate how many I want. Anything below my "first class" list is considered a low priority or casual wish list unless there is the number 6 next to it in that listing. I have an extensive wish list (decade long hiatus) and I'm not interested in trading for other items that are not listed on here or GBCs. Unless stated, please offer me something off my wish list.

I understand that some do not follow community guides on values and may have different values for their items. However, if we decide to trade, values must be equal. Do not value my items on the lower end and yours on the higher end, it's inconsiderate and makes me less likely to trade. I'm always willing to work out trades to get wishes fulfilled :)

I mostly use Waka for value checks with additional information from Priscilla.

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1.3 Salvage

Items I have given away only to want them back.

Items marked 21 means I would like to obtain them ONLY in 2:1 sales and have seen them previously in. I'm not interested in exchanging for them otherwise unless for items in my discount trading section.

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2.1 Side 1: Wish List

For Items marked 21, it means I would like to obtain them ONLY in 2:1 sales and have seen them previously in. I'm not interested in exchanging for them otherwise unless for items in my discount trading section (1.4 Second Hand) .

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2.2 Side 2: Wish List

For Items marked 21, it means I would like to obtain them ONLY in 2:1 sales and have seen them previously in. I'm not interested in exchanging for them otherwise unless for items in my discount trading section (1.4 Second Hand) .

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2.3 Side 3: Wishlist

For Items marked 21, it means I would like to obtain them ONLY in 2:1 sales and have seen them previously in. I'm not interested in exchanging for them otherwise unless for items in my discount trading section (1.4 Second Hand) .

This list is empty.

2.4 Side 4: Wish List

For Items marked 21, it means I would like to obtain them ONLY in 2:1 sales and have seen them previously in. I'm not interested in exchanging for them otherwise unless for items in my discount trading section (1.4 Second Hand) .

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2.5 Royalty

Items listed here are expensive, popular, hard to find and or, are my dream wishes for that extra flare. For that reason, they are super low priority but when the occasion arises, I will gladly make trades.

I'd be very willing to part with items from my "red carpet" for items in this section. 6 means I want it the most currently.

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