lizwisch89's items

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Items lizwisch89 owns

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0. Old GBCs and recent items/RRs

NMs about trades are very welcome, but I apologise in advance if I'm really bad at replying! RL is busy at the moment. If I have something you really want feel free to NM again and give me a gentle nudge about it if I haven't responded in a few days!

I have the following old GBCs UFT as well (values are estimates)

NC Mall 6th Birthday Gift Box Mystery Capsule (6-8)

Autumn Tree Gift Box Mystery Capsule (6)

Light Shower Gift Box Mystery Capsule (4-5)

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1. Highlights/HTPW

Mostly UFT for similar value wishes. Some HTPW, some just waiting for the right offer

22 = currently on hold pending trade

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2. Dyeworks Spares

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Trees, Garlands & Showers