Or 1 sss
2 items for 1 gbc
Or 1 for a faerie cookie/lab cookie/dyepot/small wish
All 2:1 or 4:1 bf gbc
Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram x1
Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram x2
Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram x1
Filters Gram x9
Free the Faeries Slingshots x2
Rainbow Watercolour Gift Box Mystery Capsule
7th Birthday Cake Slice #1
Can be picky
A bit higher value but not attached
Some will trade lower than owls
Things I like and sometimes use but could trade
I also have lots of 1-2 things unlisted
Spares and random stuff I've picked up
Will be picky
Probably won't trade if I can help it but it happens
Interested in trading for spares of most
I might want
Wouldn't mind more
I want these too
Not as much but still on the lookout for most of them