Jack's items

Neomail abacusgirl abacusgirl's lookup

Items Jack owns

show hide

1 cap

Mostly seeking buyables/upcycles/gbc/archives

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2 caps

Or 1 sss

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2 items for 1 gbc

Or 1 for a faerie cookie/lab cookie/dyepot/small wish

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All 2:1 or 4:1 bf gbc

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Grams and things

Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram x1

Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram x1

Filters Gram x7

Weekend Sales Gram x10

Unique Holiday Gram x1

Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram x4

Tuffala Love Sweetheart Gram x1

Free the Faeries Slingshots x1

Rainbow Watercolour Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Weewoo Sugar Negg

7th Birthday Cake Slice #1

Can be picky

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Higher value

A bit higher value but not attached

Some will trade lower than owls

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Things I like and sometimes use but could trade

I also have lots of 1-2 things unlisted