Brogan's items

Neomail bl222 bl222's lookup

Items Brogan owns

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B. Closet - not in use (HTPW)

Lists updated 19/1/24 (UK date)

Closet items not currently in use but might be tradeable.

99 = VHTPW

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C. Highlights

These are items I think are pretty or popular

it is just my opinion so please do check my tradelist I have lots of nice items!

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D: Dyeworks


Some of these may be harder to part with than others.

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E. Tradelist


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F. 2:1 section

2:1 GBC SECTION - would prefer BF GBC over a regular but will accept. When I'm not short on boxes an Archive cookie or 2x Faerie cookies or 1 capsule currently in the mall would also be accepted

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F. Gallery items for trade

ALWAYS UFT FOR CUSTOM/ BF GBC - Some are harder to find and harder to part with though

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Items Brogan wants

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2. My Wishlist

11 are casual wishes - hoping to not trade closet items for them

55 are pending trades

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4. Friend's Wishes

These are all wishes for neofriends of mine :)

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