wintersunboheme's items

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Items wintersunboheme owns

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Items UFT

Things you should know:

- I will NEVER mail you from any other account. If they can't mail you from wintersunboheme (make sure to check exact spelling), it is not me
- I have one side, which is snowfire307
- Send all items to my main (wintersunboheme).
- Thanks for reading and stay safe!!!

Here are all of my UFT items.
Tokens Here

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Items UFT on Side

These things are on my side. Presently has a good supply of boxes! So feel free to ask about these.

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Items wintersunboheme wants

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Custom Wishes

Hello there!!

Definitely Seeking These Customs:

Battledome Mystery Capsule
So Matcha Green Mystery Capsule
Perfect Matcha All Oolong Retired Green Mystery Capsule

Usually Also Seeking:
Dyeworks Potions
Shenanigifts Invites
Archive Cookies
Patapult Patapuffs
Wonderclaw Widgets

Quantities are how many I want

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Easier to Get Stuff

Decided to collect the tokens my pets could wear, as well. Why not, lol.

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Stuff I Like

Help me finish my ridiculous collection!!
If you have these, please let me know what you are after for them

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Wants: No Trade

No trade items that I want. Maybe they will change it one day.

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