Exyrea767's items

Neomail exyrea767 exyrea767's lookup

Items Exyrea767 owns

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A - Trade Guide

~ Current NC for custom: 30

~ Non Wearables UFT: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/exyrea767/225311/

Updated As trades happen

I have no HTPW list anything I have that I genuinely WOULDN'T trade is in a hidden closet list so if it's visable I can, that being said, I am only human and I do have stronger attachments to some pixels than other pixels so please don't be upset if I turn down a trade even if it is fair value wise.

This list is empty.

B - 2 For 1 Super Sale

Everything listed here is 2-1 regardless of value for GBC or Retired caps. Due to my tendency to throw in things from time to time that are not (and should not be valued at) 2-1, Please when mailing about this section only request 2 items. Fair Warning, I will likely ignore your neomail if you get greedy and ask for a bunch of things from this list.

This list is empty.

C - Backgrounds

Some items are more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

D - Background Items

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

G - Biology Effect / Markings / Static

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

I - Foreground

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

J - Glasses

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

L - Hat

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

M - Higher Foreground Item

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

P - Left and Right Hand Items

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

Q - Lower Foreground Item

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

This list is empty.

S - Shirt/Dress

Some items may be more hard to part with than others.

Esta lista está vacía.

Items Exyrea767 wants

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Be still my heart~ Things I have a mighty need for!

Thing's I'm actively searching for ignore the numbers, they are for personal reference

This list is empty.

Low Priority Casual Pretties ~

Just thing's I'd like to own, no particular plans (numbers if any are quantity wanted)

This list is empty.