Emmatjuh's items

Neomail Werkboek Werkboek's lookup

Items Emmatjuh owns

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0.0) Info and Gifted Items

Hi there!

I wanted to add a small disclaimer. I do forget to answer neomail sometimes, so if you didn't receive a neomail back in 24 hours, please do not hesitate to send another neomail. I try to improve, but real life could be busy and I could be forgetful from time to time. Sorry in advance!

Furthermore, I am not looking for GBCs as of right now! I will decline GBC offers.

Also, in this list I have added items I've been gifted by kind neopians and friends. Therefore, they will never be UFT!

Esta lista está vazia.

1) Highlights

These are items I either really like or have a high value. I might decline perfectly fine offers for them, but don't let it discourage you from offering! I will consider offers for these items, otherwise they would be in my private list.

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2) UFT

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3.1) Taddiebear UFT List (side account)

Here are the UFT items from my side account Taddiebear

GBCs left: 4 BFGBC
Gift Boxes Left: 13
Altador Cup Uniquely Fanrific Gram 1x
Dyeworks potions: 2

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3) Side accounts UFT

Esta lista está vazia.

4) Temporary trade

Items from my wishlist and from items on my (or sides) account which are neomailed about, but not 100% traded for yet.

Esta lista está vazia.

Items Emmatjuh wants

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1) Highest priority

Items I need to finish my dream oufits

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2) Wishlist

Items I need to finish side account customs or items for friends

2 = houvancreaties
3 = taddiebear
4 = theesmeeeffect
5 = theemmaeffect

This list is empty.

3) New Nice Items

Lowest priority

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