Ringer's items

Neomail ringer04 ringer04's lookup

Items Ringer owns

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1.) Welcome!

Last Updated: FEB 2025

I do NOT trade for custom or GBCs!
Offers of custom and/or GBCs will be ignored.
(The only exceptions are Dyeworks Hue Brew Potions for my 1:1 list or if I state otherwise on a trading board.)

Please do not ask me what I’m seeking for my items. My wishlist is below and if it's empty, then I'm not seeking anything specific! If you don’t have anything from my WL, please send me your trade list and I will take a look.

I value my items and wishes based on Owls, recent trade data, and DTI ratios. I am always willing to respectfully discuss values. All I ask is that you be respectful in return, please!

Non-wearables UFT can be found here:

Best wishes and happy trading to you all ^.^

This list is empty.

2.) Highlights UFT

Some shinier things I have UFT. Nothing here is particularly HTPW, I just think they're too pretty to be kept on any old list =)

Items marked 11 are part of a pending trade!

This list is empty.

3.) Regular UFT

Mostly junk and buyables here...enjoy =)

Items marked 11 are part of a pending trade!