aesare's items

Neomail aesare aesare's lookup

Items aesare owns

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0. Information

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♥ - Jump to my Wishlist - ♥

Owls | NC Value Guide |
Eya | DTI Ratios |

Side Accounts | Tradelist |
Unwearable 1 |
Unwearable 2 |
Nostalgics |

Edit Quick links | 0. |  01. | 02. | 03. | 04. | 05. | 06. | 07. | 08. || 00. / mw / W.

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01. Grams

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# is quantity

Altador Cup Cozy Fan Gram (6)
Altador Cup Enthusiast Gram (4)
Altador Cup Naturally Fanrific Gram (5)
Be My Boo Sweetheart Gram (5)
Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram (5)
Call Me Sweetheart Gram (5)
Classic Halloween Costume Gram (1)
Creepy Mutant Gram (3)
Daunting Doll Mutant Gram (4)
Enchanting Sweetheart Gram (7)
Ethereal Mutant Gram (3)
Fantastic Filters Gram (15)
Gothic Charm Sweetheart Gram (5)
Halloween Haul Gram (4)
Heart Breaker Sweetheart Gram (4)
Lovely Valentine Sweetheart Gram (2)
Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram (13)
Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram (4)
Pink Uni Club Sweetheart Gram (19)
Pretty in Pink Sweetheart Gram (3)
Queen of Hearts Sweetheart Gram (1)
Shrieking Call Halloween Gram (8)
Sleepless Spyder Mutant Gram (4)
Sweet Treats Sweetheart Gram (4)
The Dark Hearts Sweetheart Gram (1)
Unique Holiday Gram (5)
Unique Species Green Gram (6)
Unique Species Valentine Gram (5)
Vintage Halloween Party Gram (2)
Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram (10)

This list is empty.

02. Spares

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# is quantity

This list is empty.

03. HTPW

these spares are a bit harder to part with and
i will easily trade them for the right offer

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# is quantity

This list is empty.

Items aesare wants

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my wishes

if this list is empty, i am interested in a nc custom

if you are offering a custom, please let me know how much NC you're offering and how many boxes you can use.
i am not interested in browsing tradelists or in gbcs, please contact me with an offer.

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# is quantity

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