firebird3346's items

Neomail firebird3346 firebird3346's lookup

Items firebird3346 owns

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* PLEASE READ (Last updated 3.23.24)

I do try to keep my DTI list as up-to-date as humanly possible, but sometimes an item will show up in the 2:1 that I do not have anymore. I truly apologize in advance when this happens, I don't mean to be misleading. The contents of my gallery are what this entire list (2:1 and up) is based off of, so if you want to double check to see if I have something, be my guest.

Side note: the categories in my gallery are not always up to date, values of NC items can and do change, and I can't go through 1000+ items every time they do. This list (DTI) is up to date as far as prices go. Also note: I agree with ~owls values 99% of the time, and tend to shoot for midrange with regards to pricier items and the low end for super common items, I also will value your items with the same criteria. There will be some items I think are a bit more valuable than ~owls has them listed at, but what you see on this page is the value I am asking for.

Also, if you see it here, it is up for trade (I hate it when people put items on DTI and then say "nope, it's not for trade". It really ticks me off). There might be some items that I am a bit more reluctant to part with than others, but nothing is actually off limits.

Lastly , I try to be a generous and kind person, I don't bite. NM is always open, and if I have something you need but can't yet afford/don't have my wishes or GBCs for, do drop me a line and I would be glad to try to work something out anyway. I know that NC isn't always in everyone's budget.

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** Big and/or Rarer Items I Am Not Likely To Accept GBCs/Custom For

This list is primarily for my big ticket wishes. You may offer GBCs, but don't be surprised if I turn it down.

UPDATE: Items marked 333 I will gladly consider/accept all reasonable offers of RR dyeworks caps (and possibly other RR caps, depends on what's in season/what you have).

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C. 4 Caps

Items I value at 4 GBCs/Caps

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D.7 3 Cap Showers and Other Moving Items

Showers that I value at 3 GBCs or RR caps

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E.1 2 Cap Backgrounds

Backgrounds that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.2 2 Cap Clothes/Shoes

Clothes and shoes that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.3 2 Cap Contacts/Jewelry/Makeup/Markings

Contacts, jewelry, makeup, and markings that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.4 2 Cap Filters/Foregrounds/Frames/Garlands/String Lights

Foregrounds, frames, garlands, and string lights that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.5 2 Cap Handhelds

Handheld items that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.6 2 Cap Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous items that didn't fit into other categories that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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E.8 2 Cap Wigs

Wigs that I value at 2 GBCs or RR caps

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F.1 1 Cap Backgrounds

Backgrounds that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.2 1 Cap Clothes and Shoes

Clothes and shoes that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.3 1 Cap Contacts/Jewelry/Makeup/Markings

Makeup, facepaints, markings, contacts, and jewelry that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.4 1 Cap Dyeworks

Dyeworks that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap (they are either permanently available or they're so hideous I just want to get rid of them)

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F.5 1 Cap Filters/Foregrounds/Frames/Garlands/String Lights

Garlands, frames, string lights, and foregrounds that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.6 1 Cap Handhelds

Handheld items that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.7 1 Cap Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous items that didn't fit into other categories that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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F.9 1 Cap Wigs

Wigs that I value at 1 GBC or RR cap

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Items firebird3346 wants

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Stuff I NEEEEEEEEEED (for me)

Super top priority wishlist... Can't get any more urgent than this stuff.

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Stuff I NEEEEEEEEEED (for my friends, still just as important as the stuff for me)

This is stuff I am still willing to overoffer on, but it will end up being given to my friends. I consider it just as important as the stuff I am personally after, though.

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Stuff I Really REALLY Want

I am willing to go high end of waka/owls and possibly over-offer on these items (depending on what you're asking for).

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Stuff that would be nice to have

Not super urgent wishes (also things I'd like doubles of)

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