Please don't ask to trade if you're unable to wait until I've responded. Putting time into trade requests/offers that have been requested/offered to many people is just not time worthy. I mean this in the nicest way. I get on daily and will reply to all requests. Please extend the same courtesy that you expect.
A bit more popular. This includes some highlights. I prefer to trade for other items.
I prefer to trade for other items. I will occasionally accept RR Capsules/Mystery Capsules/Dyework Potions/NC Archives Fortune Cookies/ NC Upcycle Fortune Cookies for these. CURRENTLY NOT SEEKING GBCS
I prefer to trade for other items. Occasionally I will accept GBCs/RR Capsules/NC Archive Cookies for dyework items that are valued 1-3.
What in the world to do with this lot? I'll typically take GBCs/Upcycle/Archive Cookies/RR Capsules/Dye Potions for these.
Within these Highlights, there are some HTPW items. Just like everyone else's HTPW, they are still UFT. I may pass on what you feel is a good offer. Please don't be impolite about it. Please don't pull the "if you're not trading it don't list it" card - because I am trading it. Please extend the same courtesy that you expect.
I have the following non-wearable items uft:
Rainbow Fountain Water 35-40
Crystal Pieces
I'm in no hurry to trade for these, hence the LOW priority.