shnicky7's items

Neomail shnicky7 shnicky7's lookup

Items shnicky7 owns

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Currently trading for wishes only!

My TL is currently all over the place- I have some items unlisted, some items no longer available and some items I didn't even knew I had.

Most of the time the listings are pretty accurate, but there may be instances where I will reply your NM with a 'sorry, but I don't have this item anymore'.

Why don't I clean up my TL? Cos it's a huge job and I don't have the luxury of time to do so.

If I do not reply to your NM after 48-hours, chances are that I did not receive them; so please NM me again.

TLDR: Some items may no longer be available - will need to double check prior to trading.

Esta lista está vacía.

1. Closet - Currently Locked


Mostly SUPER-HTPW and never trading these for GBCs/Customs/Cookies.
If this list is visible, it is because I have HPWL items I am seeking.

Esta lista está vacía.


Things I am not sure about;
Don't really love it but kind like it enough to keep.
Sometimes, I do wonder why some of these are not in my regular TL too.

Never</u) trading for BFGBCs / GBCs but may part with some for Archive Cookies.

Esta lista está vacía.

3. Trade List

Some are HTPW - will get around to sorting these when I find the time.
This means that I will decline some fair offers.

Not seeking BFGBCS/GBCs.
Item:item trades highly preferred.
May consider customs.

Esta lista está vacía.

4. Holiday Gram Items

No LE Bonus

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Items shnicky7 wants

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1. High Priority Wishlist

Items I need NAO.
If I do not have what you are seeking, let me know. I have items which I don't list on DTI.

Esta lista está vacía.

2. Priority Wishlist

(Actively) Seeking these items which I don't desperately need but would love to have and/or replace + have multiples of.

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3. Wishlist

Fillers & Things I think I may need for future customs.

Esta lista está vacía.